I totally forgot about this one! All month long I've been thinking about posting something cheeky as a one page reflection: a picture me holding a mirror in front of another mirror so it looks like there are a million different mes all reflected back at one another, or maybe a picture of me holding a mirror in front of my computer screen so that I'm literally reflecting the image of my ISU at the screen. Alas, I'm still posting things at the last minute, so this pictorial experiment will likely never come to fruition. The reflection piece? You're looking at it.
The ISU itself was a hilariously fun exercise for me. I love being able to pick my own projects, and the ability to compose what is effectively Doctor Who fanfiction for a mark was just about the best thing to happen to me all Teacher's College. To be honest, my experience at the Faculty of Education has been a mixed one, but this class has always managed to pique my enthusiasm and creativity. Learning through experience and experimentation has inspired me to be a more creative presence in the classroom, and I think out of all the course I've taken, this history class has been the most rewarding.
So thank you, Dr. Epp, and thank you, class of Instruction and Curriculum in History, for giving me the opportunity to really be inspired by anything that comes my way, for placing me in a classroom before practicum, and showing me that anywhere I go and anything I do has relevance, historically and educationally speaking.
(Also, if I may reiterate: Doctor Who fiction! For a grade! THANK YOU!)
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